2022 Year
Carbon Footprint
A raport Created for my
Company by Mubarak Ahmad
The Problems We Solve
Our Expertise
Carbon Footprint Report For your Company
Company Metrics for Calculation
Company Name Bendetti
Select your business country Poland
Calculation year 2020
Total employees 67
Remote employees 2
Remote employees use cooling system in their homes?
Weekly active days per employee 6
Daily active hours per employee 9
Has the company own vehicles?
Paper used annually 1,000 Kg
Plastic used. It includes the total plastic that you use the whole year in any form 1,000 Kg
Select the 3 more relevant transportation options to employees commuting to work:
Average commuting distance to work facilities 100 Km
Transport 1 - 50% Bus
Transport 2 - 30% Train
Transport 3 - 20% Subway
Total distance travelled by flights in a year 100 Km
If you take water from supplying company, specify the total value in a year 1,000 Kilo liters(m3)
Do you have the energetic resources annual consumption values?
If YES, specify the annual consumption of each of the following energetic resources:
Electricity (kwh) (Does not include solar energy) If you have electric vehicles, also include the electricty they consume 1,000 KWh
Natural gas (kwh) 1,000 KWh
Heating oil 10,000 Liters
Coal 10,000 Kg
LPG 10,000 Kg
Wood 10,000 Kg
What are Scope 3 emissions?
Greenhouse gas emissions are categorised into three groups or 'Scopes' by the most widely-used international accounting tool, the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol.
CO2 Sources Overview: The highest contributer is electricity, employess commuting to work are on second.The carbon equivalent of stationary sources, own vehicles is avearge, the flights contribute negligible to the total CF.
CF comparison of remote vs office employess: It indicates that a larger number of employess work in the premises of the company.
Business Carbon Footprint
The main CF component is Scope-3 emissions unlike the most of the organizations. Your direct emissions have a lower CF that means you are not using much fossil fuels.
Your total business CF is 3708.4 ton CO2e, that is on the higher side.
Kg CO₂e
Scope 1: Direct Emissions 72,010
Stationary sources 63,910
Own vehicles 8,100
Scope 2: Indirect Emissions 1,171
Electricity consumption 1,171
Scope 3: Other Indirect Emissions 262,272
Flights 16
Commuting to work 255,041
Tn CO₂e
Business CF 335
Business CF per Employee 5
CF per Remote Worker 0.5
CF per in Office Worker 4.9
. .
To reduce or offset our Carbon footprint by 10%
Your pledges to reduce the carbon footprint by 10% are as follows:
Carbon Reduction & Compensation Measures
Below are listed some suggested actions to implement in order to reduce your carbon footprint. Complete the questions asked with the options that best fits your situation.
Indicate the number of trees that you will plant to compensate part of your carbon footprint
Trees (units) 10
Reduction of emissions by transportation measures
What distance of transport by car will your company reduce next year? Total amount 100 Km
Vehicle replacement by more efficient ones:
Current vehicle model that you will replace-1 BMX X5
Vehicles to be replaced ( Write the number and also select the fuel type) 1 Electric
Current vehicle model that you will replace-2
Vehicles to be replaced ( Write the number and also select the fuel type) 2 LPG
Current vehicle model that you will replace-3
Vehicles to be replaced ( Write the number and also select the fuel type) 2 LPG
Reduction of emissions by household/business facilities energy measures
Will you turn down your heating thermostat by 2ºC on winter days?
Will you turn up your household's cooling thermostat by 2ºC on summer days?
Substitution of part of your electricity with Green Power. Indicates the % to substitute. 20%
Replacement of 60 W incandescent light bulbs with 13 W low consumption lights 10
Implementing remote workers alternative
How many additional employees will implement working from home next year? 1
Offset Results
Kg CO₂e
Tree Planting 51
Transportation Measures 4,063
Energy Efficiency Measures 2,901
Working from Home 6,351
Reduction & Compensation 13,366
Tn CO₂e
Current Carbon Footprint 335
Carbon Footprint Adjusted with Reduction&Offset Measures 322
Reduction Percent 3.98%
The CF report of Bendetti Company for the year 2020 indicates that as an organization, you are using lesser fuel along with a significant reduction in indirect emissions. The major contributor is the CF is Scope-3 emission, which is 98%.

The ratio of remote to office workers is low, while your pledge to convert 1 more employee into a remote worker for the next year has made a huge impact. Your current vehicle model is LPG and you have pledged to convert into plugin-hybrid. Your plan to plant 50 trees this year will also reduce the CF level.
Car Fleet
Our car fleet is one of our biggest Carboon footprint poluters.
Car Name
Car Type